Sunday, December 16, 2007

Morning walk@Jogger's park :)

Its been so long since I wrote a post... I dont say I am busy... but so many small things in my mind are not going for implementation these days... hmmm... thats bad!!! But some things happen without any prior plannings... and thats cool... Saturday morning... me,balu,siri,ravikishore went to Jogger's park. That was very lovely!! we enjoyed as much as we walked..had taken nice snaps...but still waiting for them to see in system:( . These people are real guys... no intrest in photos :/
We saw music director Manisharam... we dont know why, he was staring at us! We had a joke among ourselves that we wll go to him and say "If u dont mind..., (he would be almost ready to say yes thinking that we wanna have a snap with him...) Can you take a snap for us" :)


  1. then did he helped u guys :).

    u cud have touched his ego... isnt it ??? thats nice/////

  2. ya ..we really had a very nice time there!!lets keep exploring new places like this......! the credit of showing this place and insisting u to come goes to me kada!!


What do u say...