Kishore... few people call him Balu(me too)... colleagues call him Bala... friends call him Balu gadu (he too calls himself Balu gadu like pokiri pandu gadu) and his name is BalaKishore... oophhh... it is just introducing his name ;)
Actually... basically... arey...seriously yaar... he is my hero :)
Today is his bday... and I miss him a lot on this special day...
This post is to just say about him. I dont know where to start and just go like this:
He is very friendly... and has very good friends. All his frienships are longlasting. I am very much comfortable with his friends and really enjoy spending with them. He makes anyone very comfortable to speak and share anything with him...I do not need to take much efforts to make him mingled with my relatives.He knows who are important to me and gives the same importance to them from his side.
He is very deciplined and I am lazy :(. Gets up early morning (I can't). He will be available on time if he promises and expects everyone to be like that. It really annoys him if somebody is late and if he has to wait. Each second counts for him at that time. Most of the time I fail here and get his scoldings. One can see him undeciplined in implementing the things he has been planning from long time... those are preperation for CAT, learning guitar.
He has capacity of handling any situation... His importances are very well defined... and he has good planning. He is mentally strong, always positive and can justify his decisions confidently. He has good intelligence, good grasping and talent of managing people... but uses these only when necessary. He is not much oriented to use all his talents to grow further (I want him to put all his talents). Always saisfied with that he is and has.
One thing in him that contradicts with most of the guys is that he is more passionate of personal life than professional life. He simply sacrificed his package expectations and his role to shift along with me to Pune. It is rare that he works for a minute more than 8 hours a day and forces me too to leave office early (:( that is a bit difficult to manage for me).
The way he shows love...is all extreams. The words he always say to me "your reponsibility is to keep your mind cool..Rest all I will take care. I am there. You dont have to worry about anything" relaxes me. He plans a surprise for my birthday 1 year ahead...He ever monitors me that I am happy or not... What else can I expect from him... He knows me more than what I know...He easily guesses what I think at that moment.
His relationship with his mother is so special...Both are strenghts for each other...They care for each other a lot... This is the first thing that impressed me in him. He always expresses "My mom and soppu are most important than anything else and no comprimises on them". He expects much from the people he love and gets hurt if he doesnt get. This is where he is sensitive...
He has good patience and doesnt get annoy on any small iritations. But he is a bit uncontrolled if he gets angry. He doesnt look around if he gets angry(that stays not even for 2 mins). The key I have for this is to keep silent for those 2 mins...then everything will be all right. I think it is same with most of the guys... Infact I like this nature in him...I like the way he challenges when he is angry...(like a hero). But incase he is angry on me...I am gone...
Dont think he is a gentleman... he is all naughty... If I tell about any girl, first question he puts on me "Does she look good?". He tells happily to everybody that I have given him read permissions ;) (It means that he can "just""see" other girls). He takes everything lite... never gets reacted by others. He draws a clear line between the important and unimportant and least bothered about the unimportant.
His motto is to be happy and enjoy every moment of the life. He is showing me the best part of my life... taking me along with him to the heights of happiness. He is there for me to help, suggest, guide, care... (all these words are very small). I am very very lucky to be with him forever...
Once again... Many many happy returns of the day Balu... ILU so much...