In last 6 months, I see a lot of change in my attitude and I am very happy for that. I gained lot of confidence.
Earlier I use to have a quote on my desktop "Anything is difficult before it is easy". It is very much true. Once we face anything, next time it becomes very easy. If I look back for which I felt difficult, it looks so silly. Some of the things were really silly. I was in trouble for such silly sthings...it is just because I havent experienced them in the right time. I hadnt taken a chance before for those. But now, I feel so happy when I am going to face any new challenges because I will be gaining experience on one more thing.
I watched an interview of hero Venkatesh where he said "It is very important to grow internally...but people postpone it and after retirement, they think over it. By that time, death will be right a side". When I think of myself in this regard, I feel I am good enough. There has been a lot of improvement... But there are certain things which I need to improve on. Being balanced on recieving comments and compliments; controling emotions on bad or good happenings.
Though I studied in English medium, I didnt get a chance to talk in English. No...I should say "I didnt take a chance to talk in English". We didnt have much complusion that we have to talk in english. There are two things about any language- Learning and Practcing. Learning was done inadvertently during academic period. But practing started only when it became necessary. Keeping learning and practcing a side, I should admit that I use to hesitate to talk in English. But now...it became part of my life. I dont have any kind of hesitations now and also improved a lot. I use to concentrate while talking and try to control myself so that I wont go wrong. I am able to reduce the need of concentration and in coming days, I am sure that I dont have to concentrate at all. The rate of learning is fast. I am still working good enough to Learn and practice English. Blogging helps me a lot in this. This learning will go forever...
Lot more to write...