In my view, a good person not also makes others happy but also makes himself happy. This is the concept of this post...
Being happy is the ultimate goal of everyone in life. It comes from many sources. When we share love with someone, when we achieve something etc.We feel happiness when something good happens...
But..."Goodness in being happy" is as much true as "Happiness in being good".
We do good in our life...but it is equally important to be happy in our life. You are good enough if you keep yourself happy. Life is very valuable. We should enjoy every moment of it. It is not that we can be happy if we dont have problems. We cannot avoid problems at all. There is no life without problems. Inspite of problems, we should be happy.
If we have any problem, just think practically...what can be done? We think in all possible ways for a solution...If we dont find any, what is the best thing to be done? We have to accept the consequences, and have to ignore the that we would feel happy for rest of the things and enjoy our life.
Is it not bad to worry about the pains for which there is no solution to avoid it and wasting valuable time/life? Also that effect will be there on our fellow beings/well wishers...
It is good to ignore them at our best.
So...Don't waste time on thinking about pains/worries/upsets...try to forget slowly...and enjoy life...
1)Be satisfied with what you have.
2)Don't compare yourself with others.
These two things will get rid of feelings (like jealousy,envy) which eat up your happiness. It is nothing but being good, right!!.
You can achieve anything only when you are happy...
Be a good person by being happy which in turn makes others happy...
This is what I have been praticing in my life...
Do good and be happy...It makes you perfect...